
 FOCUS 2024: 



As a participant in the Youth Eco Summitt, I acknowledge the urgent need to address the growing challenges of electronic waste (e-waste) within a larger sustainability conversation.

With my signature, I commit to the following actions:

  • I will collaborate on e-waste recycling initiatives, recognizing and addressing regional differences for a more inclusive and effective approach.
  • I will wholeheartedly embrace and promote the principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, integrating them into my daily life as fundamental elements of sustainability strategies.
  • I will prioritize e-waste efficiency and do my best to find local and community resources for management and disposal.
  • I will promote sustainability efforts by enhancing public awareness and encouraging behavioural change, recognizing it as a key enabler for the success of our sustainability initiatives.

By signing this Youth Eco Summit pledge, I’m sending a message to my community and network to implement mindful and sustainable practices that prevent the harmful effects of e-waste and make way for a cleaner planet for our future.